Yes and No: Late Reflections on the May Day March in Minneapolis

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

This year, a few of us decided that even if we didn’t have much of a plan for May Day, that we were none-the-less determined to have a presence at the May Day march on May 1st, which for as long as people can remember of the recent years has been dominated by leftist organizations like the Freedom Road Socialist Organization/FRSO (a soft Maoist sect), their front groups and others who willingly play along with this sad circus.The circus goes like this: arrive and stand around your little sect if you have one, someone gives you a newspaper or a flier for their next event, signs you up for something, round after round of people talk at you, so much so that you can barely keep awake, then you slump along since in reality it can hardly be called a march, sometimes there are chants, they speak in confusion and accentuate our collective awkwardness, more speeches, more chanting, all so orderly, and one feels their aching lack of power, the power that should be collective, is driven by sadness into our individual bodies. And by ideology, weak thought or sheer will we march on, miraculously even showing up again the next time to receive our lashes.

This time we met, masked up and marched behind a banner featuring a flaming cop car with only the word “yes!”, which was a reference to a banner made and marched behind during the Trump inauguration protests that was a black sheet with only the word “no.” painted on. There’s a little conversation going on here between the two. One emphasizes negation and another affirmation. As revolutionaries we must bow to both. We always contain within us the power to say as Bartleby did “I’d rather not” or “not this time mother fuckers!” We must also affirm what is vital, what is worth living for, what is unique and different according to our taste, and importantly the how of our ethical dispositions. The mobile sound system played pop music and anti-police hip hop. Sometimes this interfered with the sound of the speeches, sometimes it cut through the silence, sometimes it set the tone. Though small, these were attempts to add an open and unruly energy to the event, which the organizers work hard to contain and thwart. Even the peace police sensed a potential (if only symbolic), as one young man nervously and sadly stood arms outstretched between a few in bloc and a police car as we flicked the police off and a few minutes later between us and a wall to prevent the wall from being sprayed, while we weren’t even considering it. They think anything is possible, we simply need to give belief materiality.

We won’t lie and say that it felt great to be there as the awkward extreme end of a protest knowing full well that our lives do not justify protest. We know we’re at war. Our enemies know we’re at war. What is achieved by polite and orderly wimperings of indignation, but a call to better manage the catastrophe? The parade itself seemed a fairly weak showing for all present, as clearly others don’t go and expect to feel their own power there either, so they don’t go. We write to ask ourselves and others what would it take to feel like we aren’t weak, to feel that there is a stake in living, in our commitments to each other and the worlds we share? In the past, marches meant “do not fuck with us” or “we will burn down parliament.” A demonstration demonstrated not our ability to listen to boring speeches and be corralled by police and then go home, but our power to make or unmake worlds (or at least the threat and manifestation of a physical desire to do so). A speech instead stoked an ember that grew to flame. And the powerful trembled because they knew we were also powerful.

Aside from grand words, how do we get there?

It starts by building from where we’re at and recognizing what could be done better. It means starting from a small crew and coming with a bigger crew, multiple crews and affinity groups. There were several random people in the crowd that seemed to want this too. They came alone and bloc’ed up by themselves and gravitated toward us. We decided to be present to make it known that we desire this with others, that we invite you to come the next time there’s a call. You don’t have to wear all black or even cover your face. Bring your friends. Practice staying close and building your trust in each other. Simply being together with others who practice this art as a responsive crowd opens the situation up to other possibilities. For the purpose of breaking down the barriers between those who would bloc up and others who weren’t we decided to attempt a “casual bloc.” Admittedly this is something new to us or perhaps we just have too many black clothes, so instead people were mostly a poorly done black bloc rather than a casual bloc. This distinction doesn’t necessarily have be made along the lines of whether black is worn or not. It is determined by the open character of the bloc—essentially what makes it feel like something others can see themselves within. If covering one’s face is not simply an aesthetic practice of a revolutionary subculture but a necessity for confrontational practice then it needs to become a practice shared by all who desire to engage in militant resistance despite identification. Space must also be made for varying levels of risk to coexist within a bloc. It must be acknowledged that those who come just to be in the street, needing to to leave in the event that the situation becomes too risky still allows for others to hold the streets with them that much longer. There as many ways to be unruly as we can imagine and being a bloc is only one experiment among others. Our intention is to open that door.

Against The Smart City

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Starting April 20th, Hennepin County will be test driving a new self-driving, “smart” shuttle bus over the weekend. They chose a portion of the greenway bike path that passes through the heavily gentrified Uptown to demonstrate what is to come for other sections of the city slated for similar lines of development—as a laboratory of future control.

On the night before they unveiled their project to their corporate partners, some antagonists hung a banner right in the shuttle’s path, with the intention of physically blocking the sensors of the shuttle, thwarting the test, if only for a moment. Against The Smart City! it declares.

While touted as progress, there are still those of us who see these projects as only the further deepening of the desert. As our cities become increasingly automated, this process attempts to eclipse not only the possibilities of revolt, but even that of a life of anything but its perpetual (re)production. These automated shuttles will be yet another vehicle for funneling citizens between where the work, shop, and sleep, as mindlessly as the shuttle which carries them.

This action was intended to demonstrate that these projects will face resistance. It was simple to carry out and took very little planning. The smart city is fragile, and opportunities for disruption are everywhere. While their fantasy is to build a terrain where all that can happen is what has already been predicted and planned, we know that fundamentally life cannot be reduced to data and in its flux escapes prediction and control. Don’t wait for others to take action for you. Take it yourselves.

Warmed By La ZAD

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

We met under the statue of Emiliano Zapata for this simple gesture on the second day (or third night) of the resistance to the eviction attempt by a small army of pigs against La ZAD (Zone to Defend) in Notre-Dame-des-Landes. It’s still winter in Minnesota and although there’s snow on the ground we’ve been feeling so near to you at La ZAD that we’ve felt warmed. Not only now, but since we learned of your beautiful existence, of this world which we believe is also a part of us too. We send you love and strength now and always.

All power to the communes!

ZAD Forever!

Tout le monde déteste la police!

 – Your Friends

Love & Strength To La ZAD

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Over the weekend a banner was hung in so-called Minneapolis reading Defend la ZAD. We take this opportunity to send a message of strength to the ZAD occupants on the eve of their eviction. The autonomous zone established in France has been the source of endless inspiration for rebels near and far—it will live on, regardless of what happens on Monday.

Solidarity with the Revolution in Rojova

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

In connection to the International day of Solidarity with Rojova on March 24th several posters went up in and around Powderhorn Park in Minneapolis, MN. The posters are a reminder of the struggles of Kurdish revolutionaries in Rojova. Several posters have a call out that was published after the city of Afrin was taken over by the Turkish state on March 18th, 2018 and calls for international solidarity and action in English, Spanish and Kurdish.

Death to Fascism!

Death to all States!

Defend the Revolution in Rojova!

Against The Super Bowl And Its World

From It’s Going Down

With frozen hands we reappropriated this city’s infrastructure to cast a few words of cold insurrection. A desire to set it all on fire sits just adjacent to the light-rail (which is dressed up as a carriage for the super rich—only Super Bowl ticket holders can ride this weekend!). An ode to the ZAD hangs above 35w from a bridge in South Minneapolis, welcoming tourists to a temporarily sterile downtown (they relocated the homeless for this special event). Helicopters flying over head, tanks on the ground—this is a sneak peak of a militarized police state. Lets not go down without a fight. Against the Super Bowl and its world!

 – some anarchists

Can’t Freeze Us Out

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

On New Year’s Eve an assorted crew of rebels braved the sub-zero temperatures in Minneapolis and met in a park downtown to participate in the decade-old tradition of showing people behind bars some love. A small crowd accompanied by percussion instruments and a sound system made their way to the youth jail. After a brisk walk, we arrived at the jail blasting music for everyone locked up inside. Very soon the first heads started popping up in the narrow windows. We greeted those inside with chants of “Burn all the jails, burn all the prisons, just make sure the cops are in ’em!” and “free the kids!” After the short dance party, we moved on before police arrived. We headed back to the park and dispersed into the night. Even though it was a small gathering, we showed love and solidarity to those who can’t celebrate the New Year with their friends and loved ones, letting them know they are not alone.

Cops Protect Rape Row

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Dear Pigs, We know you liked the glitter and all, but we want our banner back!

Cops protect Rape Row.

Cops are rapists too.

Solidarity with Anna

The banner drop near UMN Rape Row (aka “Frat Row”) drew almost immediate pig attention this weekend. And for all the attention it drew, we can be sure someone was raped there this weekend, as they are every weekend. The toxic frat culture encourages disrespect and sexual violation, and the Greek Life codes prohibit sororities from hosting parties, which creates a power imbalance by giving frats control of social situations. Police protect frat houses with “under the table” agreements with the Greek community, such as not shutting down frat parties even though they are well aware of the countless underage drinkers that attend. This allows a perfect haven for rapists to hunt.

Anna Chambers isn’t the first and unfortunately won’t be the last victim-survivor of police rape. The police state churns out sexual violation—every body cavity search is rape, prisoners are assaulted every day and at risk for sexual abuse by guards. We also know that sex workers are regularly abused by police. Just back in September a Minneapolis pig was arrested for assaulting his son’s girlfriend, and we can be sure that many more assaults go unreported.

We believe Anna Chambers & we’ll continue fighting for the end of police and frats.

Minneapolis Police Substation Vandalized

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

I love finding these little acts of rebellion that disrupt our views as this empire crumbles. With the Super Bowl around the corner, the city plans to turn the streets into a “clean zone” and a massive police state security zone. Let’s use what we can to continue to disrupt the view with tags, banners, flyers, stickers, paint, and all forms of unauthorized art to remind them we live here!

Shamhain Anti-Gentrification Riots 2017

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Hi y’all! Hope you all had an extra spooky/scary/witchy/wild Samhain/Halloween last night. Occupied south Minneapolis sure did! For all 500 or so people who were there last night this will be kinda dull and mild retelling of what went down last night.

It all began as the sun set around 5:18 pm. 500-1000 people gathered in south Minneapolis to celebrate the end of a season and the coming of a new darker one. As people gathered in Powderhorn Park, cops immediately attacked the super spooky crowd, but because of everyone feeling super empowered in their Halloween costumes the crowd repelled the attack and lit up a couple cop cars in short order. Families and friends were seen dancing around the burning cop car hand in hand laughing and gigglling.

Following that celebration the crowd now numbering at least 10,000-50,000 decided spontaneously and without leadership to go after all of the naughty gentrifying businesses in that neighborhood. Paint was hurled using simple garden pump spray tanks filled with house paint, water and paint thinner, which can be easily procured from local hardware stores free of cost. In total 4 yuppie coffee shop windows and several bus stop adverts for real estate brokers were filled with beautiful Halloween paint.

A comrade in the crowd wearing a super cute Demogorgon Stranger Things costume was quoted as saying “everyone should attack gentrifying businesses in occupied south Minneapolis it’s fun easy and good for the community.” 😍