Anti-Colonial Anti-State Graffiti in Minneapolis on 4th of July

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

This Anti-colonial and Anti-State graffiti was spotted in Minneapolis, Minnesota on the Fourth of July! The defaced statue is Colonel John H. Stevens who was the first Colonial Settler to occupy the Dakota land now called Minneapolis. This colonizer also fought to expand slavery into Mexico on the US side of the Mexican-American War. The graffiti reads “colonizer” as he represents the historic genocide and Patriotic nationalism that continues today.

These oppressive statues, monuments, and sites such as Fort Snelling must be dismantled. Fort Snelling is a historical and continued site of genocide, colonialism, and imperialism as it occupies the sacred Bdote where Dakota were created. During the Dakota war of 1862 warriors resisted the colonial occupation of white settlers and the US Army massacred 38+2 Dakota Leaders in Mankato and captured over 300 Dakota Women, Children, and Elders forcing them to march around 142 Miles to be held in “interment” at Fort Snelling. Many Dakota people were died of starvation, cold weather, disease, and murder at this concentration camp. Fort Snelling also enslaved anywhere from 15-30+ Africans at a time.

We join the call to dismantle Fort Snelling as it continues as a base of Imperialism, Colonialism, and Hyper-Nationalism especially considering it has expanded the occupation to host Minnesota Headquarters of ICE. People of this land are coming together to Abolish ICE, the State, capitalism, fascism, and colonialism. We will continue to dismantle these institutions as well as their monuments that desecrate the land and someday once and for all bring about a world free of these oppressions.

Water Protector Suspends Himself from 25-Foot Structure at PUC to Demonstrate Resistance to Line 3 Pipeline

From Earth First! Newswire

A water protector ascended a 25-foot steel tripod structure erected in the street in front of the Public Utility Commission (PUC) office to demonstrate ongoing resistance against Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline. Today marks one of the final public hearings held by the PUC on its decision to grant a certificate of need to the controversial pipeline.

All five of the directly affected Objibwe Tribal Nations in Minnesota oppose the dangerous project because of the threat it poses to their fresh water, culturally significant wild rice lakes, and tribal sovereignty. Line 3 will accelerate climate change by bringing carbon-intensive tar sands bitumen from Alberta to refineries in the Midwest. Climate change disproportionately impacts Indigenous and frontline communities across the world. This deadly infrastructure project is another example of the genocidal legacy of colonialism faced by Native peoples and the ecological destruction caused by corporate greed. Water protectors, climate justice advocates, landowners, and faith leaders stand united alongside Native communities against this dangerous pipeline.

At around 7AM CST water protectors blockaded traffic by erecting 25-foot steel poles in a tripod structure on 7th Pl. in front of the PUC offices in downtown Saint Paul, MN. Ben, a 30-year-old Minneapolis resident, ascended the structure and unfurled a banner that reads, “Expect Resistance,” a clear message to Enbridge and the PUC that fierce opposition to this pipeline will continue to grow at every stage.

“If the PUC doesn’t stop Line 3, then we will,” said Ben, suspended from the 25-foot structure in the street in front the PUC. “Today’s action isn’t about me but is a demonstration of the growing resistance to Line 3. ” Ben continued, “We’re taking action in solidarity with Native people, who continue to fight for their existence on occupied land and with people all over the world who resist the desecration of nature by extractive industries.”

Banner Drop Against Line 3 Pipeline

From It’s Going Down

A group of indigenous comrades and allies against racist resource colonialism are building and gaining momentum against Enbridge and all their affiliates & investors.

Message to Enbridge and the Public Utilities Commission from Duluth Minnesota/Superior WI; NO MORE MAN CAMPS THAT COME WITH PIPELINE INFRASTRUCTURE; THEY MURDER & STEAL WOMXN; NO LINE 3! EXPECT RESISTANCE!

No Cops In Pride

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Stonewall was a riot. The chant echoed off the buildings lining Hennepin Ave in downtown Minneapolis as we marched. The sidewalks were filled with thousands of onlookers, expecting to see the annual Pride parade, but instead they saw us. We were maybe one hundred, maybe a little more. One banner leading the way proclaimed “No Cops In Pride.” It was a very loose assortment of activist organizations, radical queers, and even some anarchists. At a snail’s pace, we made our way down the length of the Parade route.

The intention of the demonstration was to disrupt the Pride parade. And by that measurement, it was successful. The parade started around an hour late, and progressed slowly behind us, keeping it’s distance. Given how Pride has been so detached from it’s rebellious roots by way of corporate sponsorship, our desire to interrupt it is clearly a rightful inclination. However, despite our apparent success in doing so, we can go beyond this and take practical steps to materialize our stated desires.

Most striking about the demonstration was the ease with which rhetoric that would be deemed too militant—as if there was such a thing—was taken up by participants. While still many chanted to “prosecute the police”, there were several signs sporting the acronym for “fuck the police” as well. Anarchist and anti-fascist imagery and slogans were easy to spot. Just as many decried capitalism wholesale and called for total police abolition as those who sported pins for electoral campaigns.

Now, this isn’t to complain that the messaging wasn’t “radical enough” or that there wasn’t ideological purity. Really, the rhetoric present reflected a diverse range of perspectives who could find common ground in the rejection of this world—a world where the police who kill with impunity expect our unconditional welcoming into celebrations of resistance. While in the recent past, those who didn’t believe that this was an issue of “bad apple” police officers would likely feel isolated amongst crowds demanding body cameras or a similar reform, the message here was different.

The message was different, and yet the actions the same. While the demonstration did actually disrupt the parade, calling it direct action would be fairly generous. The march was centered around using the visibility of the parade to boost awareness for the cause. If we really believe that in police abolition, for example, we can’t simply continue to stand in the streets, demanding it happen. How can we say that “stonewall was a riot,” and yet deny ourselves this same capacity for revolt?

However, this is also not a call for an abstract militancy. This is about posing a question: to all of us who reject this world, how can we bring about a better world ourselves? Starting from what we have—our skills, resources, and most importantly, our friends—we can build a reality where “no cops in pride” isn’t a demand, it’s a warning. But first, we’ll have to toss off the activist rituals we’ve become accustomed to.


Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Inspired by the LA Tenants Union’s viral campaign, more than a handful of “Cash for Houses” advertising signs were torn down in South Minneapolis today. Gentrification might not be as glaring here as it is on the coasts, but it is happening nonetheless—and it will be resisted all the same.

Freedom For Anarchist Prisoners

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

This year in Minneapolis, June 11th was marked by dozens of posters that were put up under the cover of night.

In solidarity with Marius Mason and all prison rebels!

Salute to Fernando Bárcenas and Debbie Africa!

Banner Drop Against Line 3

From Earth First! Newswire

Good morning comrades of Duluth, MN and comrades everywhere!

A sneaky Stop Line 3 banner mysteriously made its way up to a billboard on the right side of the highway going south on the 35 just as you’re getting into Superior, WI, minutes away from Enbridge’s refinery that lies between Lake Superior and the Nemadji River.

Earlier today Enbridge was spotted with 15+ workers and over 10 pieces of specialized machinery bending and laying pipe and getting ready to bore right through the so-called border of Minnesota and Wisconsin. They are ready for their MN construction permits, they are literally inching their way into Minnesota.

Show up for the StopLine3 call to action and act out until the final decision for construction permits in MN is decided on June 27th. Tank Enbridge, smash Line 3 and take down fossil fuel infrastructure!

Trans, Non-Binary and Womxn Activists Continue to Fight Line 3 Pipeline

From It’s Going Down

Early in the morning of June 6th, a group of trans, non-binary, and womxn activists fighting Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline rigged and anchored two large banners across the entrances of the Enbridge office in downtown Park Rapids, Minnesota. The banners read “Pipelines Poison Communities #StopLine3” and “Treaty Land is Tribal Land.”

The group took action in retaliation to a recent letter put out in the Star Tribune by Enbridge CEO Al Monaco, addressing “the people of Minnesota.” The letter stated numerous lies, including that the proposed pipeline route avoids indigenous land. However, the majority of the route crosses 1855 treaty land and has been fiercely opposed by all Minnesota tribes. Hence the banner, “Treaty Land Is Tribal Land.” Resistors flyered cars on the streets in Park Rapids with a debunked version of the letter, included below.

Local communities and activists all across Minnesota will be taking action throughout the month in anticipation of the final decision on project permits by the Public Utilities Commission on June 27th.

Letter Debunked:

1. Enbridge says it avoids wild rice: The Line 3 preferred route would go through 41 wild rice watersheds, threatening 4000 acres of manoomin (wild rice).

2. Enbridge says it respects tribal sovereignty: The prefered route goes through 1855 treaty land — treaty land IS tribal land. All five directly impacted tribal nations are opposed to a new Line 3. Consultation is NOT consent. Man camps built to house pipeline workers will also bring a massive influx in crime, specifically violent crime against indigenous women. From The Atlantic: “In 2012, the tribal police department reported more murders, fatal accidents, sexual assaults, domestic disputes, drug busts, gun threats, and human trafficking cases than in any year before. The surrounding counties offer similar reports. But there is one essential difference between Fort Berthold and the rest of North Dakota: The reservation’s population has more than doubled with an influx of non-Indian oil workers—over whom the tribe has little legal control.”

3. Enbridge says it will keep prices from rising at the pump and end fuel shortages in Minnesota: There are no fuel shortages in Minnesota. Line 3 tar sands will almost entirely go to foreign market. Minnesota’s Department of Commerce did a full market analysis and found no need for a new Line 3 or the existing Line 3 for Minnesota’s energy needs.

4. Enbridge says it is committed to the people of Minnesota: Enbridge sued Minnesota for overpaying taxes, it is looking to collect $55M from Minnesota counties while waving its desired pipeline overhead. Worse, a catastrophic tar sands spill and cleanup liability falls to the state of Minnesota, not the company. While the company reaps its profits, we deal with the destruction of our communities and ecosystem.

5. Enbridge says it will work with landowners to remove sections of the current Line 3: Enbridge has utterly abandoned the current Line 3. Proposed Line 3 is not a replacement–it is an entirely new project. Far from being safe, the corroded pipeline contaminates the groundwater and soil with PCB lubricant, treatment chemicals and consistent spills. Enbridge has publicly stated that there are no plans to completely remove the current Line 3, despite loud dissent from landowners.

6. Enbridge says they have respected due processes: In November 2017, it was exposed that Enbridge had hundreds of illegal pipe on treaty territory.

7. Enbridge says Line 3 brings investment and jobs to Minnesota: bank after bank is divesting from fossil fuels. In the past 6 months, US Bank pulled a $1.3 billion line of credit to Enbridge, and BNP Paribas pulled out $1.24 billion in corporate lending to Enbridge. Instead of giving us the tools to build a more economically and ecologically sustainable future, Enbridge is exploiting us for a dying industry.

Support Sex Workers!

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

June 2nd was the national day of action against SESTA/FOSTA, an anti-sex worker bill signed into law this year. In Minneapolis, a demonstration in Uptown blocked traffic. In the spirit of a diversity of tactics, the city was decorated with several slogans the night before.

We have no expectations that any politician will change their mind or repeal any law that expands their repressive powers. Regardless, our will to fight back against the state remains unshaken.

Support Sex Workers!


Worldwide Solidarity for Toor

Olympia Memorial Graffiti – Love and Rage For Fallen Anarchist Comrade


From Puget Sound Anarchists

Queer, antifascist, Anarchist comrade toor passed away last week in Minnesota. Memorial graffiti was put up for them at the park across water from the port. toor lived their life in joyous rebellion against the state, capital and the US COLONIAL EMPIRE. They did not recognize borders and fought for the liberation of all stolen indigenous land of turtle island. May the spirit of toor inspire us to work with indigenous comrades to liberate all nisqually medicine Creek treety territory.

From Wisconsin, love for toor


Anonymous submission to Conflict MN

Graffiti in memory of toor.

Fuck every cop. Smash the patriarchy. Burn the prisons. Forget borders.

RIP toor.

– Some anarchists

Graffiti for Toor


Anonymous submission to Conflict MN

It took a few more days for the sad word on Toor to wind its way up through the Cascades and out onto the central west coast.  But when the news came it was clear that this little town of Ocean Falls in Heiltsuk territory needed a memorial to our fallen friend.

Here is the Martin Hotel, an ornate monstrosity from the mid twentieth century, built to host tourists that no longer visit, now host to an alder and swordfern forest creeping back over its walls.

Rest in power dear friend.

Every Dead Cop, For You


Anonymous submission to Conflict MN

the closer to death we become, the tighter we should hold onto our friends, and preemptively. tell your friends you love them, fight for them while living, take walks, take breaks, live dangerously, love dangerously. with each burned star we only get brighter, collectively it brings us together and creates worlds closer to those which we wish to embody. we are at war, and our casualties mean something to us in ways which don’t only seek revenge but are building blocks for brighter futures, better futures. we learn lessons, we move forward. let us not allow this passing to be in vain, but let us not allow ourselves to learn only from the demise of our friends. let us remember, now, to burn the world down together for the living.

every dead cop, every pipeline stopped, every ICE deportation halted, every house defended, every border ripped open, every heart full,

for toor, and for every fallen comrade,


Remembering Toor

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

I remember years ago, one of our first adventures together was exploring the drainage tunnels under the city. Afterwards we hung out at one of the entrances, covering the walls with tags.

This is only one of so many beautiful memories we shared. You were so many things to so many people, not only as a dear friend but as a fierce warrior against this hellworld.

Last night, I returned to the tunnel entrance to help paint a memorial for you. While there were new pieces on the wall when I arrived, I knew somewhere under countless layers of paint were the same tags we put up together, way back when.

Our piece wasn’t perfect by any means, but you wouldn’t have wanted it to be.

We will never forget you, and we will continue your struggle against cops, pipelines, nazis, and their world.

RIP Toor

– Your friends

Graffiti for Fallen Comrade Toor

From It’s Going Down

In memory of our comrade Toor who has recently fallen.

They are an anarchist fighter and an eco-warrior who’s work inspires us to organize for the liberation of the planet and all its people! Together with the spirits of anarchists past we will hear their call and step up to battle against the brutal capitalist machine.

Honor the dead

Fight for the Living!

– A fellow queer anarchist.