Worshipping Power: A Discussion with the Author

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Thursday, February 15th

Walker Church

3104 16th Ave S

6:30 PM

Worshiping Power: An Anarchist Vision of Early State Formation
Released by AK Press
Written by Peter Gelderloos, author of How Nonviolence Protects the State and Anarchy Works

This book attempts to answer the question of where states came from and why, looking at the causes of state formation and tracing different pathways of state development. How did the State co-evolve with different models of the family, religion, warfare, commerce, and economic production?

The arguments presented counter the typical explanations that are dominant in society at large as well as in anticapitalist movements, revealing state formation as a constant process with certain patterns but without any single motor or dialectic. It is also a completely reversible process, as many societies have destroyed their states once it became clear how oppressive they were.

The talk would give a few examples to illustrate the breadth of possible pathways of state formation, as well as the importance of patriarchy to the process, and then focus on the emergence of democracy and the modern State, as the most relevant concern for people today who go up against state power in their struggle for a better world.


Radical Movie Series: 2018

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

 Alternating Thursdays

Boneshaker Books

2002 23rd Ave S

6:00 PM

February 8th: Dead Man

On the run after murdering a man, accountant William Blake encounters a Native American man named Nobody who prepares him for his journey into the spiritual world.

February 22nd: The Battle of Algiers

In the 1950s, fear and violence escalate as the people of Algiers fight for independence from the French government.

March 8th: The Little Rascals

Members of a misogynist group of working class boys must toss away their toxic masculinity and defeat a rich adversary in order to build a new clubhouse.

March 22nd: A Taxi Driver

The experience of a taxi driver who accidentally got involved in the Gwangju Uprising of May 1980 while driving a foreign journalist around during the weeks-long insurrection in South Korea.

Radical Movie Series – January

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Alternating Thursdays

Boneshaker Books

2002 23rd Ave S

6:00 PM

January 11th: La Haine

Twenty four hours in the lives of three young men in the French banlieues the day after a violent anti-police riot.

January 25th: Children Of Men

In 2027, in a chaotic world in which women have become somehow infertile, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea.

New Year’s Eve Noise Demo

From No More Jails

Prisons are fucking awful. Everything about them is designed to suffocate any semblance of life, of hope, of rebellion in order to shield and protect the catastrophe that is the world as we know it. Though the isolation they impose is not impenetrable.

Every New Year’s Eve around the world friends gather opposite the prison walls to send love to those inside, reminding them that they are not forgotten. Each year we designate this night to the living memory of those held captive.

Come to Elliot Park on December 31st, 2017 at 6pm!

Bring a friend, bring noisemaker, and bundle up!

One Last Discussion on Now

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Wednesday, January 3rd

Boneshaker Books

2002 23rd Ave S

6:00 PM

One last discussion on the Invisible Committee’s Now.

“From our singular experience, our encounters, our successes, our failures, we draw a clearly partisan perception of the world, which conversation among friends refines.”

Free zine copies of the book will be available as well as paperback copies.

Radical Movie Series

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Alternating Thursdays

Boneshaker Books

2002 23rd Ave S

6:00 PM

November 30th: THX-1138

In the twenty-fifth century, a time when people have designations instead of names, two rebel against their rigidly controlled society.

December 14th: Born In Flames

Set in an alternative U.S. where a socialist government holds power, a group of women use direct action to fight against their oppressors.

December 28th: Network

A television network cynically exploits a deranged former anchor’s ravings and revelations about the news media for its own profit.

Prisoner Letter Writing Night

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Third Thursdays

Walker Church

3104 16th Ave S

6:00 PM

Prisoner letter writing night is back! The third Thursday of every month at Walker Community Church from 6-8pm.

In hosting this event we will provide, monthly, a prisoner to write to who is generally referred to as a political prisoner, particularly/often around the time of their birthday in order to send them well wishes and cards—or if they’re undergoing tough times, etc.

This month we’ll be writing to those who were locked up as a result of the Ferguson protests in 2014.

Feel free to write in advance if you’d like, just know that sometimes the addresses are subject to change and it’s always good to check the address in advance.

However, we’re also hoping that this letter writing night will encourage folks to come prepared to engage in sustained relationships with folks locked up. We’re open to providing names of folks to write in the event that someone doesn’t have a pen pal but wants one.

Bring yr own envelopes and stamps if ya have em, if not, we’ll provide. Additionally, we have a p.o. box if you feel uncomfortable giving your home address as the return.

until all are free,

Reading Group: Now by the Invisible Committee

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Wednesdays, December 6th, 13th & 20th

Boneshaker Books

2002 23rd Ave S

6:00 PM

Now is the latest text from the Invisible Committee, known for their infamous book The Coming Insurrection and its follow-up To Our Friends. A new critique from the anonymous collective that establishes their opposition to the world of capital and its law of labor, addresses current anti-terrorist rhetoric and the ferocious repression that comes with it, and clarifies the end of social democracy and the growing rumors of the need for a coming “civil war.”

A Call For An Anti-fascist Response to Lauren Southern

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

This coming Wednesday, the alt-right is bringing Lauren Southern back from a failed hate flotilla in the Mediterranean to our backyard to spew her xenophobic garbage at the Willey auditorium. University of Minnesota president Eric Kahler has decided the best way to respond to stickers depicting ovens from The Right Stuff and flyers from violent white nationalists Identity Evropa, not to mention the incidents this past spring with swastikas appearing on campus by bringing a white nationalist pseudo-celebrity to campus.

We already knew the administration of this university didn’t give a shit about the safety of their non-white students and only sees its students as tuition payments, but this really takes the cake. It’s only fitting that a land grant university built on stolen Lakota land that supports prison labor would give a platform to overt white supremacy under the guise of “freedom of speech.” I’m sure that same freedom of speech applies to the students who have been met with a massive police presence every time a protest takes place on campus. I’m sure Danger Collective or Whose Diversity or Black Lives Matter would be given the same treatment by our oh so fair and balanced University of Minnesota Police Department. But I digress.

This is a call for an open ended anti-fascist bloc on Wednesday, October 25th [The speaking event is 7pm at West Bank Auditorium]. It’s encouraged that you do not arrive alone. Come with a close friend or better yet an affinity group. Take steps to protect your identity from the State and the expected presence of alt-right and alt-lite livestreamers who will surely be taking video footage to single people out for doxxing after the dust settles. This can mean any number of things from altering your appearance to covering your face. Use what makes you feel the most comfortable and more importantly, safe. Keep in mind that while on U of M campus you can assume that surveillance cameras will be everywhere. News media cameras aren’t your friends either. And as much as we all love Unicorn Riot, our enemies watch their stream too. They can (and will) find you there and if they care enough try to harass you. While online harassment might not intimidate you, keep in mind who else might be at risk if your security is compromised. Violent white supremacists and fascists typically go after the most marginalized for their acts of violence. Anti-fascism after Charlottesvile cannot afford to put any of our comrades in danger. (There are more detailed write ups available on counter-surveillance practices and security culture that can be found elsewhere.)

As anti-fascists in the Twin Cities we acknowledge that we fight on stolen land. We stand against white supremacy, patriarchy, homo- and transphobia, hatred of migrants, and the exploitation of the proletariat. We stand in uncompromising solidarity with all anti-fascist combatants worldwide in the struggle against capitalism and white supremacy. We intend to win.

– some friendly neighborhood anti-fascists

A Community Anti-Police Gathering

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Saturday, October 21st

Powderhorn Park

South of the Lake

1:00 PM

It’s obvious that the police don’t serve us, and never could. The very idea is like trying to cure a headache with a hammer. Many have worked together over the past years to push back against these modern day slave-patrollers, and have been met with varying degrees of success. However, we can’t help but feel that setting out to oppose the police with the hope of building strong communities after they have been abolished is in some ways a little backwards. Instead we need to find each other now, to build bonds based on trust and mutual desire that will sustain us as we work to dismantle the bleak world we are offered. Otherwise any oppressors we manage to drive off will eventually be replaced by a new class of managers eager to represent, restrain, and ultimately repress us.

So we are throwing a picnic. The grill will be roaring and the lit table will be, uh, lit… but most of all we are excited to meet and talk with each other. We’ll have a good amount of food for both carnivores and vegans. If you are able please consider bringing something to share or a donation so we can make this a regular thing once it gets warm again, but of course nobody needs to contribute if they can’t.

Abolitionists of all ages are welcome.

No cops, politicians or bigots.

Running Down The Walls 2017

From TC Radical Calendar

Sunday, September 17th

Lake Nokomis

Bloomington Ave S & E 54th St

2:00 PM

Running Down the Walls is an annual 5K Run / Walk / Jog / Bike, to raise awareness and much needed funds in support of political prisoners in the United States. This year, communities all around the country will be moving in solidarity with prisoners on Sunday September 17th 2017. In the Twin Cities we will be meeting at 54th and Bloomington and our route will go around Lake Nokomis.

This is a non-competitive, non-timed event, and non-participants are welcome to cheer, hang out, and enjoy some food.

This event is free to attend and participate in, but donations are accepted, and all donations will go towards supporting long-term political prisoners. If you aren’t able to attend, but want to support the day, you can sponsor a participant or donate directly to the Warchest.

Welcome To Hell: A Report Back On The G20 Rebellion in Hamburg

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Wednesday, September 6th

Boneshaker Books

2002 23rd Ave S

6:00 PM

During the G20 summit, the representatives and leaders of the richest countries of this world met in Hamburg to discuss the maintenance of this order of misery. Twenty thousand cops were supposed to protect this spectacle from those who seek to show their open rage, hatred and resistance to those arrogant authorities. They failed.

On September 6th, a guest present in Hamburg will offer a personal report back from the unrest along with tactical and strategic lessons gained from the experience.


In Defense Of Revolutionary Struggle

From Tilted Scales Collective

Saturday, July 1st

Boneshaker Books

2002 23rd Ave S

3:00 PM

Please join us for a community discussion about strengthening our struggles for liberation when facing criminal charges. This presentation and discussion are based on the ideas in the recently published book, A Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant. The Tilted Scales Collective is excited to bring you this comprehensive guide about facing charges in the criminal legal system. Rather than being a how-to guide, this book offers a framework for thinking about criminal charges that is based on defendants’ goals: personal, political, and legal. This framework exists within the context of two guiding principles:

– criminal charges are part of revolutionary struggle
– we can handle our charges in ways that don’t help the State lock people in cages.

The full book will be available at a discount and a chapter-length excerpt (Chapter 2, on setting goals) will be available by donation.

The government is all too successful at using criminal charges to disrupt, destroy, and neutralize radical and revolutionary struggles for liberation. The defendant’s guide draws on the wisdom of dozens of people who have weathered the challenges of trials and incarceration, including many former and current political prisoners/prisoners of war. This event is part of a nationwide tour aiming to help strengthen our movements on all fronts and take away the power of criminal charges. By thinking strategically and being in solidarity with each other, we can turn terrible situations in movement-building ones!

Tilted Scales Collective is a small collective of dedicated legal support organizers who have spent years supporting and fighting for prisoners in the occupied lands of Turtle Island (i.e., the so-called united states).

No Justice… Just Us Film Screening

Anonymous submission to Conflict Minnesota

Sunday, July 2nd

Walker Church

3014 16th Ave S

7:00 PM

The struggle for a new, better world is not for the faint of heart. Movements of collective liberation, if they are effective, will inevitably face repression. The institutional pillars of domination and exploitation are well-entrenched in society, well-versed in manipulation, and utterly ruthless in their efforts to crush any and all threats to their legitimacy. At this critical juncture in history, our movements are confronted by incredibly powerful enemies, who use a variety of sophisticated methods to discredit, disrupt and deter resistance. Far-right populist movements, goaded on by corporate fear-mongering and neo-fascist propaganda, are increasingly resorting to violent vigilante attacks against their perceived enemies. And as if this wasn’t enough… standing firmly behind these new reactionary movements lies the naked power of the state – namely its heavily-militarized police, racist legal system and vast network of prisons. Yet despite this terrifying political atmosphere, our movements continue to grow. Our future success and growth demands that we develop the capacity to anticipate the strategies and tactics that the state will use against us, build our own infrastructure to defend against these attacks, and incorporate meaningful solidarity and collective defense into all facets of our organizing. In this month’s episode of Trouble, anarchist media collective subMedia interviews a number of individuals engaged in legal defense and prisoner solidarity, and looks at some of the ways we can begin to build movements that are more resilient in the face of state repression.