Squad Cars Collide; 3 Officers Injured As 150 Residents Taunt Them

From Daybreak 5

At about 10:45pm on June 6th, 2 police cars collided while running a red light at Arcade and Minnehaha in St. Paul. The 3 officers were laying on the ground dazed as a crowd of 150 gathered around them yelling and taunting. “I’ve never seen anything like this. This is about the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” one person told the reputable and not so sensational 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. “They were just grabbing any part they could get of them. And that’s when the people started saying, ‘grab his gun, grab his stuff.” Local people looted the cops belongings and badges and took humorous pictures until emergency vehicles took them to the hospital where the only confirmed injury was a broken wrist.